License To Carry
This is the state mandated LTC Course
Subjects Covered:
Laws That Relate To Weapons and The Use of Deadly Force
Handgun Use and Safety, Including Use of Restraint Holsters and Methods to Ensure The Secure Carrying of Openly Carried Handguns
Non-Violent Dispute Resolution
Proper Storage Practices for Handguns with an Emphasis on Storage Practices That Eliminate The Possibility of Accidental Injury to a Child
Equipment Needed:
Reliable handgun semi-auto, or revolver .22 or larger caliber
50 rounds of boxed ammunition for your pistol (No re-loads)
One or two magazines (two is preferred)
Eye and ear protection
No open-toed shoes or heels
Hat or cap to protect from hot brass
Medium sized towel or rag to rest your handgun on
Driver’s License or State Issued ID
The Proficiency Test:
From A Distance Of 3 Yards:
1 shot in 2 seconds (5 times)
2 shots in 3 seconds (5 times)
5 shots in 10 seconds (1 time)
From A Distance Of 7 Yards:
5 shots in 10 seconds (1 time)
2 shots in 4 seconds (1 time)
3 shots in 6 seconds (1 time)
1 shot in 3 seconds (5 times)
5 shots in 15 seconds (1 time)
From a distance of 15 Yards:
5 Shots / 10 Seconds
2 shots / 6 seconds
3 shots / 9 seconds
This Is Not A “How-To-Shoot” Class.
It Is Expected That The Students Have Already Achieved A Minimum Safe Level Of Proficiency With Their Handgun, Loading, Unloading, Slide Or Cylinder Manipulation, Proper Use Of Safety Devices And Operational Controls.
During The Proficiency Test, Students Will Be Expected To Be Safe While Handling Their Firearms Which Is Part Of The Test.
Students Who Cannot Meet These Standards Will Fail The Proficiency Test And Will Need To Retest At Later Date.
Students Who Haven’t Shot In A While Or Are Unsure Of Their Own Level Of Proficiency Can Register For The “Basic Firearm Safety And Fundamentals Course” (The LTC Prep Course) Which Can Be Taken Before Attending The LTC Course.