Basic Firearm Safety and Fundamentals (LTC Prep Course)
Students who haven’t shot in some time or are unsure of their own level of firearm and safety proficiency are urged to register for this class prior to taking the LTC course. Depending on the amount of students and assistance needed, the course typically lasts 3-4 hours.
Training Included:
Air Soft pistols are used initially to get new shooters used to aiming without having to worry about recoil.
Mantis Training aids are used to dial in your aim.
Loading Magazines
Loading and unloading of firearms
Proper Clearing Techniques to avoid accidental discharge
Basic Texas Gun Laws That Pertain To Carriers
Types of Holsters
Basic Draw From Holster
This course starts in the classroom where students that are new to shooting, will be able to learn the the fundamentals of firearm safety and operations while giving students that haven’t shot in some time a bit of a refresher.
Equipment Needed:
Reliable handgun semi-auto, or revolver .22 or larger caliber
50 rounds of boxed ammunition for your pistol
One or two magazines (two is preferred)
Eye and ear protection
No open-toed shoes
Hat or cap to protect from hot brass
Medium sized towel or rag to rest your handgun on